Advantages of the OriGen PL70-2G PermaLife Cell Culture Bags
The OriGen PL70-2G PermaLife Cell Culture bags represent the optimal way to harvest, expand, concentrate, and freeze critical cell cultures. Made of inert FEP, the PermaLife bag contains no plasticizers or chemical residuals which could leach into and alter delicate cell cultures. Because FEP is inert, antibodies, cytokines, and other genetic material are unaected by the PermaLife bag.
OriGen PL70-2G PermaLife FEP bags are a closed system, so the possibility of contamination is greatly reduced. Bags are sold sterile. PermaLife bags are gas permeable, and provide a high rate of oxygen transfer to cells under culture.
The OriGen PL70-2G PermaLife bag has an optical transmission of greater than 95%. Observation of the cultures under a microscope is possible without risking contamination of the culture.
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