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    StemRD  PSGro 人iPS細胞和胚胎干細胞無血清培養基

    ★ Serum-Free 無血清成分;
    ★ Xeno-Free 無異種蛋白;
    ★ 化學成分明確;
    ★ 無需滋養層細胞;
    ★ 用于人iPS細胞和胚胎干細胞生長;
    ★ 效能與mTeSR 1培養基同等。

    • 產品型號:PGroF-500 PSGro-case
    • 廠商性質:代理商
    • 更新時間:2025-02-13
    • 訪  問  量:1692

    StemRD  PSGro 人iPS細胞和胚胎干細胞無血清培養基


    產品英文名稱:StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-case, Human iPSC/ESC Growth Medium


    StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-case, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干細胞無血清培養基 500mL/套

    StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-case, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干細胞無血清培養基產品特點:

    ★ Serum-Free 無血清成分;

    ★ Xeno-Free 無異種蛋白;

    ★ Chemically-Defined 化學成分明確;

    ★ Feeder-Independent 無需滋養層細胞;

    ★ Supports human iPSCs/ESCs 用于人iPS細胞和胚胎干細胞生長;

    ★ Performs Comparably to mTeSR 1 效能與mTeSR 1培養基同等。

    Characteristic Morphology Human ESCs(A,B); iPSCs(C,D) in PSGro-Free®

    PSGro-Free 是stemRD開發的一款針對人類胚胎干細胞(ESCs)和多能誘導干細胞(iPSCs)的生長維護胚胎干細胞無血清培養基。我們生產質量可靠的生長因子,并擁有來自SystemBiosciences的優秀iPS研究專家。PSGro-Free的所有添加組分都為化學合成或已純化的重組蛋白,并且決不含有任何非人源的異種成分。

    PSGro-Free is a growth medium designed for humaninduced pluripotent stem cells ( iPSCs ) and humanembryonic stem cells (ESCs). It was developed atStemRD, a premier producer of growth factors, incollaboration with iPS experts at System Biosciences.

    歡迎您致電 重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司        華雅干細胞-:


    提供產品:華雅干細胞致力于為中國干細胞領域的干細胞科學研究、臍帶血/造血干細胞/臍帶/脂肪/胎盤干細胞庫、干細胞臨床轉化醫學、干細胞美容及干細胞抗衰老、免疫細胞治療、T細胞治療、臨床干細胞治療等再生醫學和個體化治療產業鏈的相關客戶提供:MSC間充質干細胞培養基、iPS/ES胚胎干細胞培養基、血清替代物、羊水培養基、基底膜基質膠細胞支架、干細胞生長分化調控因子、BioMarker 流式檢測抗體、支原體檢測試劑盒、內毒素檢測試劑盒、干細胞存儲細胞凍存袋、細胞培養瓶、USP級DMSO二甲基亞砜細胞凍存液、細胞培養相關試劑耗材儀器等種類豐富的產品,以“Focus on improving the quality of Stem Cells專注干細胞研究,提升干細胞品質”為己任,我們與客戶攜手為中國干細胞產業的發展而前行。

    StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-case, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干細胞無血清培養基 產品英文描述如下:

    PSGro-case is designed for human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and human embryonic stem cells (ESCs). It is serum-free and chemically-defined as all of its ingredients are synthetic chemicals or purified recombinant proteins. PSGro-case supports feeder-free growth and maintenance of human iPSCs or human ESCs on extra-cellular matrix proteins (e.g., BD Matrigel?). Its performance is comparable to or better than the market-leading mTeSR?1 or E8 in growth rate, characteristic morphology, pluoripotent markers, normal karyotype, and differentiation to different germ layers. The robustness and stability of PSGro-case enable seeding cells over the weekend without changing medium, so you have the weekend Free.

    StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-case, Human iPSC/ESC Growth Medium 產品組分:


    Catalog No



    PSGro kit 500ml




    PSGro case of 12 kits




    歡迎您致電 重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司        華雅干細胞-:


    提供產品:華雅干細胞致力于為中國干細胞領域的干細胞科學研究、臍帶血/造血干細胞/臍帶/脂肪/胎盤干細胞庫、干細胞臨床轉化醫學、干細胞美容及干細胞抗衰老、免疫細胞治療、T細胞治療、臨床干細胞治療等再生醫學和個體化治療產業鏈的相關客戶提供:MSC間充質干細胞培養基、iPS/ES胚胎干細胞培養基、血清替代物、羊水培養基、基底膜基質膠細胞支架、干細胞生長分化調控因子、BioMarker 流式檢測抗體、支原體檢測試劑盒、內毒素檢測試劑盒、干細胞存儲細胞凍存袋、細胞培養瓶、USP級DMSO二甲基亞砜細胞凍存液、細胞培養相關試劑耗材儀器等種類豐富的產品,以“Focus on improving the quality of Stem Cells專注干細胞研究,提升干細胞品質”為己任,我們與客戶攜手為中國干細胞產業的發展而前行。

    Content and Storage: Components  Size  Storage   Shelf Life

    Basal Medium (on gel ice)   450mL    2 to 8°C. Keep from light   6 months

    10x Supplement (dry ice)  50mL    -20°C or below. Keep from light  6 months      

    Additional key reagents required or suggested

    Extracellular matrix proteins, such as Matrigel  (BD, cat# 354277) or equivalent

    Accutase (Millipore, SCR005) or Collagenase IV (Invitrogen, 17104) or equivalent

    ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 (StemRD, Y-01/-05/-25) or Thiazovivin (StemRD, Thia-01/-05/-25)

    Medium Preparation

    1. Thaw PSGro-case Supplement overnight at 4°C. If desired, thawed Supplement can be aliquoted and stored at -20°C or below, but further freeze-thaw should be avoided.

    2. To make PSGro-case complete medium, add 1 part of Supplement to 9 parts of Basal Medium.

    3. Antibiotics can be added to the complete medium if so desired.

    4. Once made, PSGro-case  complete medium is stable for 2 weeks when stored in dark at 2 to 8°C.

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    提供產品:華雅干細胞致力于為中國干細胞領域的干細胞科學研究、臍帶血/造血干細胞/臍帶/脂肪/胎盤干細胞庫、干細胞臨床轉化醫學、干細胞美容及干細胞抗衰老、免疫細胞治療、T細胞治療、臨床干細胞治療等再生醫學和個體化治療產業鏈的相關客戶提供:MSC間充質干細胞培養基、iPS/ES胚胎干細胞培養基、血清替代物、羊水培養基、基底膜基質膠細胞支架、干細胞生長分化調控因子、BioMarker 流式檢測抗體、支原體檢測試劑盒、內毒素檢測試劑盒、干細胞存儲細胞凍存袋、細胞培養瓶、USP級DMSO二甲基亞砜細胞凍存液、細胞培養相關試劑耗材儀器等種類豐富的產品,以“Focus on improving the quality of Stem Cells專注干細胞研究,提升干細胞品質”為己任,我們與客戶攜手為中國干細胞產業的發展而前行。

    StemRD PGroF-500 PSGro-case, Human iPSC/ESC growth medium 人iPSC/ESC胚胎干細胞無血清培養基 評價或評論

    Coating plates with extracellular matrix proteins, such as Matrigel

    Refer to manufacturers’ instructions. For BD Matrigel?, the following procedure can be followed:

    1. Thaw Matrigel on ice. Dilute Matrigel 1:50 with pre‐chilled DMEM medium.

    2. Immediay use the diluted Matrigel? solution to coat tissue culture plates. For a 6‐well plate, use 1 mL of diluted Matrigel? solution per well, and swirl the plate to spread the solution evenly.

    3. Let the plate stand for 1 h at 37°C or overnight at 4°C.

    Adaptation of growing feeder-free cells to PSGro-case

    Human iPSC or ESCs that have been grown in most commonly-used hiPSC/ESC media can be easily adapted into PSGro-case. One round of 1:1 dilution of serum-containing or serum-free medium with PSGro-case is generally sufficient. However, for certain media and cell lines, a longer and more graduate adaptation may be required.

    Adaptation of growing feeder-dependent cells to PSGro-case

    1. Dissociate cells with Accutase, Collagenase IV or equivalent.

    2. Add the previously-used medium and gently scrape off cells as aggregates. The ideal aggregate size is similar to other media and single cells from excessive pipetting may lower plating efficiency.

    3. Transfer the suspension with cell aggregates into a 15 ml tube.

    4. Centrifuge at 200 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.

    5. Discard Matrigel? solution, immediay add PSGro-case (e.g., 2 mL/well for a 6-well plate).

    6. After centrifugation, discard the supernatant, gently resuspend the pellet with 2 mL of the previously-used medium. Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.

    7. Transfer the cell aggregates in the previously-used medium to the wells with PSGro-case. Mix. Gently.

    8. Culture the cells at 37°C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity.

    9. If cells are seeded on Friday, change medium on Monday to 4 mL PSGro-case (no need to change over the weekend). If cells are seeded on other days during the week, change next day.

    重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司主營:干細胞、細胞凍存、細胞治療、試劑耗材 相關板塊的產品,以“傳遞科學價值,服務科學研究”為宗旨,經過近五年的努力推廣,重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司在全中國代理的BD科研產品、OriGen干細胞凍存袋等產品已經成功銷往:上海市、北京市、重慶市、天津市、廣東省的廣州市、深圳市、珠海市、江西省的南昌市、四川省的成都市、綿陽、浙江省的杭州市、寧波、溫州、江蘇省的南京市、蘇州、無錫、泰州、湖南省的長沙、陜西省的西安市、楊凌、甘肅省的蘭州、寧夏的銀川、新疆的烏魯木齊、廣西的南寧市、山東省的濟南、青島、東北三省 遼寧省的沈陽市、大連市、吉林省的長春市、黑龍江省的哈爾濱市等中國絕大部分省市和自治區。


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    Recovery of frozen cells in PSGro-case

    1. Quickly thaw hiPSCs or hESCs in a 37°C water bath, transfer the contents to a 15 mL tube. Add 10 mL of the medium previously-used for the cells drop-wise to the tube with gentle mixing.

    2. Centrifuge cells at 200 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.

    3. Discard Matrigel solution, immediay add PSGro-case  (e.g., 2 mL/well for a 6-well plate).

    4. After centrifugation, discard the supernatant, gently resuspend the pellet with 2 mL of the previously-used medium. Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.

    5. Transfer the cell aggregates in the previously-used medium to the plate with PSGro-case . Mix gently.

    6. Culture the cells at 37°C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity.

    7. Change medium to 4 mL PSGro-case next day.

    重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司主營:干細胞、細胞凍存、細胞治療、試劑耗材 相關板塊的產品,以“傳遞科學價值,服務科學研究”為宗旨,經過近五年的努力推廣,重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司在全中國代理的BD科研產品、OriGen干細胞凍存袋等產品已經成功銷往:上海市、北京市、重慶市、天津市、廣東省的廣州市、深圳市、珠海市、江西省的南昌市、四川省的成都市、綿陽、浙江省的杭州市、寧波、溫州、江蘇省的南京市、蘇州、無錫、泰州、湖南省的長沙、陜西省的西安市、楊凌、甘肅省的蘭州、寧夏的銀川、新疆的烏魯木齊、廣西的南寧市、山東省的濟南、青島、東北三省 遼寧省的沈陽市、大連市、吉林省的長春市、黑龍江省的哈爾濱市等中國絕大部分省市和自治區。


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    Passaging cells in PSGro-case  under feeder-free condition

    1. Look under microscope to identify regions of differentiation. Mark the differentiated colonies using lens marker on the bottom of the plate (e.g., 6-well plate)

    2. Remove regions of differentiation by scraping with a pipette tip or by aspiration.

    3. Aspirate medium from the cell culture and rinse with PBS.

    4. Add 0.5 mL per well of Accutase or Collagenase IV. Let stand at room temp for 1 – 2 min.

    5. Remove Accutase, and gently rinse 2 – 3 times with 2 mL PSGro-case to remove remaining


    6. Add 2 mL/well PSGro-case and scrape colonies off with a cell scraper.

    7. Transfer the detached cell aggregates to a 15 mL conical tube and rinse the well with an additional

    2 mL PSGro-case to collect any remaining aggregates.

    8. Centrifuge at 200 x g for 5 minutes at room temperature.

    9. Aspirate the supernatant. Resuspend pellet in 4 mL PSGro-case by pipetting gently.

    Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.

    10. Plate the cell aggregates with PSGro-case onto a new plate coated with Matrigel.

    11. Culture the cells at 37°C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity. Change medium daily.

    12. If cells are seeded on Friday, change medium on Monday to 4 mL PSGro-case (no need to change over the weekend). If cells are seeded on other days during the week, change next day.

    Note: If colonies are at an optimal density, cells can be split every 5 ‐ 7 days using 1:5 to 1:10 splits.

    Cryopreservation of cells in PSGro-case

    1. Prepare freezing medium which contains 90% PSGro-case and 10% DMSO.

    Note: Adding ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632 or Thiazovivin) to the medium is shown to increase the survival and plating efficiency.

    2. Perform steps 1 - 8 from Passaging cells in PSGro-case under feeder-free condition

    3. Gently aspirate the supernatant taking care to keep the cell pellet intact.

    4. Gently resuspend the pellet in freezing medium, taking care to leave the cell aggregates larger than would normally be done for passaging.

    5. Transfer 1 mL of cell aggregates in freezing medium into each labeled cryovial.

    6. Place vials into an isopropanol freezing container and place the container at ‐80°C overnight.

    7. Transfer to a liquid nitrogen tank the next day for long-term storage.

    重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司主營:干細胞、細胞凍存、細胞治療、試劑耗材 相關板塊的產品,以“傳遞科學價值,服務科學研究”為宗旨,經過近五年的努力推廣,重慶市華雅干細胞技術有限公司在全中國代理的BD科研產品、OriGen干細胞凍存袋等產品已經成功銷往:上海市、北京市、重慶市、天津市、廣東省的廣州市、深圳市、珠海市、江西省的南昌市、四川省的成都市、綿陽、浙江省的杭州市、寧波、溫州、江蘇省的南京市、蘇州、無錫、泰州、湖南省的長沙、陜西省的西安市、楊凌、甘肅省的蘭州、寧夏的銀川、新疆的烏魯木齊、廣西的南寧市、山東省的濟南、青島、東北三省 遼寧省的沈陽市、大連市、吉林省的長春市、黑龍江省的哈爾濱市等中國絕大部分省市和自治區。


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